Jessica's Panties

Used Panties Singapore


Pre Shower Mischief

Happy TGIF hungry wolves! Hope your week has been good? Time to relax, long weekend ahead, so get in the shower with me, it’s been a hot and sweaty day. What are some of the ways you prefer to relax? Let me hear about it in the comments and have a relaxing long weekend!

Your PowerPuff Queen,

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  1. T

    14/06/2024 at 8:49 PM

    Hello my queen,
    What a pleasant surprise to find the post up earlier than expected 🙂
    The classic panty design gives this post a bit of an OL feel… It’s like catching you in the gym shower after you’ve had a sweaty lunch time workout… love it xoxoxo

  2. Your fo_20

    14/06/2024 at 9:02 PM

    Stay attached to 1 blog every Friday 9pm is one of the way I relax myself my Queen

  3. Ren

    14/06/2024 at 10:17 PM

    nice update queen XD…
    hmm… how do i put it about this week, everything seems good and go well, but my feelings is not that good more in badmood for sure.
    shower with you ??? oh my… yes please my lady that definitely will make my day better, seems like very hot weather over there, here is raining all day so cold ~
    listening to music is my best way to relaxed, while browsing and enjoying new blog update from you, i really looking forward to surprise everytime you post new blog.
    this time panties only ?? but i like it. and green colour make it fresh look… especially when get wet by water …. XD really make my mind dirty !!! ahahah sorry about my naughty mind and another wet is more tempting ~

  4. Sweets

    15/06/2024 at 6:47 AM

    I read every post. Hehe, still as good. This is a nice post and Jess u are still so slim!

  5. Sinner

    16/06/2024 at 8:12 PM

    5th photo seems like a good position for a nice doggy style to satisfy my both lust and yours!

  6. footboy

    18/06/2024 at 11:34 AM

    my form of relaxation is under your feet and ass, acting as your foot stool/chair and worshipping your heavenly feet and ass as servitude.

  7. Anonymous

    19/06/2024 at 3:40 PM

    Yeah I still want my saliva even under the shower

  8. Finn

    20/06/2024 at 2:59 AM

    My relaxation is seeing you thoroughly enjoy using my face as your footstool and chair. Am only here for your pleasure.

    1. Queen Jessica

      20/06/2024 at 10:28 AM

      welcome back loser 😛

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