Fool For Jessica
Happy April fool’s day hungry wolves! No trickery for you all today, just a regular update because I was too busy enjoying the long weekend last Friday 😛 Hope this post brings you to a good start for this week and the beginning of April! Hugsssss!
Your PowerPuff Queen,
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Don Jon
01/04/2024 at 9:02 PM3 Blue Ocean Problem
It was a sunny day on a Sunday morning. My Queen J has not returned from her usual Sunday church prayers.
I cleaned the house, kept all the sheets clean and took a good shower for my Queen to smell me goooood.
I then prepared lunch for my Queen. Making her favourite chicken tenders and some scrambled eggs.
While placing the last dish on the table, I can hear my Queen’s car approaching in front of the house. I quickly hide myself and let the dining room aroma persuade her to come inside and feel the bliss.
As she walks in , taking off her sandals, I was busy admiring her. Her long brown and smooth hair, her pinkish skin, her bubbly small lips makes me just wanna grab her from the back but then my Queen looks annoyed but at the same time happy to see my lunch setup.
I did grab her from the back (the usual me), gave her a peck on her cheeks and neck and some smooches too. But I can feel her lips was wet and the cheeks were wet too.
“My Queen, everything alright?” I asked. She then hugged me and said she misses me a lot and the only time I’m with her is once in a year when I’m not call on duty.
I then asked her what she feels like doing so at least we can make our together memories strong and to be remembered. She said she wants me to bring her to the beach as that was the first place we met.
I then packed the lunch that was on the dining as she was busy choosing her favourite beach wear.
We then headed to the beach. Listening to our favourite songs and singing along. I can see my Queen is so much happier than earlier. We can then smell the ocean from far and finally, we’re able to see the beautiful beach and the ocean.
I parked the car, took out the luggage and head myself to book a chalet. My Queen then told me it’s gonna be a “rough” day today and I asked why.. my Queen said there are very less people on the beach so no one can know what’s happening.
“Hmm.. ok. But yet, why it’s rough?” I asked again. She said she’s gonna make today a remembering one with 3 Blue Ocean problems.
Ok, hopefully I don’t drown myself but I just went with my Queen’s flow as it’s her day today. We parked our luggage in the chalet and decided to head to the beach.
Reaching the beach, playing with the water, splashing it against each other like kids is what we were doing until my Queen lift her t shirt. My brain went from seeing Tinker Bell to something hentai erotic in 0.005 seconds .
My Queen is not even wearing a bikini but it’s her blue ocean colour bra & panty. I asked if she’s cool with this..she said that’s our first encounter of the 3 Blue Ocean Problems. Seeing her in that Blue Ocean bra panty set colour makes my dick hard AF.
She then pulls my hand towards the ocean. We went walking along the water towards the stones where no one can see us.
Now the second problem out of the 3 Blue Ocean problems it’s the ocean colour itself. It’s blue. It’s both mine and her favourite colour. And the moment we see or feel this colour, our sex drive becomes more vulnerable. And that’s where she started beating my meat hard and letting her throat enters deeply to my penis making sure her lips is touching my balls each time she pulls in and out from her wet mouth.
She then bite my lips hard and hugged me so tight till I can feel her soft tiny little puff entering slowly on my penis. It was so wet as when it entered, I can feel the slight heat coming from my Queen.
My Queen was so hardcore till she had to give her nipples for me to suck it out as she’s pounding me harder and harder.
I cum twice and she just didn’t wanna let go off me yet. Then she told me she managed to make the third problem resolved too. I asked now what turned Blue Ocean?
She shows my dick and I can see it’s blue all over
What a rough sex from my Queen. Sadly this story is just a memory. I lost my both legs in a war and she found peace with the beach lifeguard..
Queen Jessica
02/04/2024 at 9:52 AMwow ok loll
01/04/2024 at 9:15 PMLove the post my queen, the sheer fabric and girly details really bring me back to my horny secondary school days… especially love the close up shots… get to see your flawless skin in almost scientific detail! haha
01/04/2024 at 9:21 PMThis is just an adorable set. Thanks Jess!
01/04/2024 at 10:19 PMlook at see through part ~ how come i not having dirty mind … lol so exciting
02/04/2024 at 2:09 PMi like the first photo (both your hands behind you). last photo is very titillating
11/04/2024 at 10:17 PM누나 이뻐요… 좋은 사진 감사합니다