Jessica's Panties

Used Panties Singapore


Satin Smooth Giveaway Results

Congratulations to the following 6 wolves for winning! Thank you everyone for taking part in my Satin Smooth Giveaway. There will be more in the future so please look forward to it! If winners don’t respond after 8 hours, a new one will be chosen and announced here. See you on my next update and have a great week ahead!

The Winners Are:

1. Black Strappy – “Jeremy” (Singapore)
2. Glossy White – “Vistra” (Malaysia)
3. Pink Satin – “Thomas G” (USA)
4. Pink Thong – “Alvin” (Singapore)
5. Black Mochi Bra – “Jack” (Singapore)
6. Smooth white (with perfume only) – “Leo” (Singapore)

Your PowerPuff Queen,

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